Keto Tom Kha Gai

Tom kha gai is a creamy, spicy, coconut based chicken dish. In Thailand it is a side dish. I know most of you are going to eat this as a soup and that is perfectly fine. It serves really well as a single plate keto dish.

Keto Tom Kha GaiKeto Tom Kha Gai
Galangal chicken “soup”


  • 200 grams chicken breast or thigh
  • 3 cups coconut milk
  • 2 inch chunk of galangal
  • 3 stalks of lemongrass
  • 1 onion
  • 200g mushrooms
  • a few cherry tomatoes
  • 6 kaffir lime leaves
  • 3 Thai chili
  • 1 tbsp fish sauce
  • 2 tbsp of lime juice
  • small bunch of cilantro
Keto Tom Kha GaiKeto Tom Kha Gai
Main dishes
Salads & Soups


  • 200 grams chicken breast or thigh
  • 3 cups coconut milk
  • 2 inch chunk of galangal
  • 3 stalks of lemongrass
  • 1 onion
  • 200g mushrooms
  • a few cherry tomatoes
  • 6 kaffir lime leaves
  • 3 Thai chili
  • 1 tbsp fish sauce
  • 2 tbsp of lime juice
  • small bunch of cilantro


  1. Slice the chicken into smaller pieces.
  2. Wash the galangal. Cut off the stem and the root. Slice into thin slices.
  3. Wash the lemongrass, slice off the bottoms, remove the outer skin layer, and slice them in half. Bruise the pieces with the back of your knife to help them release flavor.
  4. Peel and slice the onion into wedges.
  5. Slice the mushrooms.
  6. Cut the cherry tomatoes in halves.
  7. Cut the chili in half.
  8. Break kaffir lime leaves with your hands.


  1. Put a medium sized cooking pot on a medium heat stove and add the coconut milk, galangal and lemongrass.
  2. Add the chicken right before the coconutmilk begins to boil.
  3. Before the coconut milk comes to a boil add the muchrooms, oinions and chili and stir gently.
  4. Before the coconut milk comes to a boil add the tomatoes and kaffir lime leaves. Lower the stove to low heat.
  5. Gently stir occasionally for about 5-10 minutes and turn off the heat.
  6. Add 1 tbsp fish sauce (or more if you prefer it more salty) and lime juice. Taste test and add more fish sauce or lime juice to your preference.
  7. Add freshly shopped cilantro before serving.

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